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Ph.D. Student On Explainable Artificial Intelligence For Health Decision-Making 80% in Luzern

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Ph.D. Student on Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Health Decision-Making 80%

Die Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts sucht einen Ph.D. Studenten. Diese Rolle bietet eine spannende Möglichkeit, innovative Technologien in XAI zu entwickeln.


  • Durchführung von Literaturrecherchen zu recommender systems und XAI.
  • Entwicklung neuartiger Algorithmen für erklärbare Empfehlungen.
  • Zusammenarbeit mit interdisziplinären Teams zur Implementierung einer XAI-Schnittstelle.


  • Masterabschluss in Informatik und Erfahrung in AI oder ML erforderlich.
  • Starke Programmierkenntnisse in modernen AI-Frameworks.
  • Fähigkeit zur effektiven Zusammenarbeit mit Gesundheitsfachleuten.

Tasks and job requirements

  • Conduct literature reviews on recommender systems, SCI rehabilitation, and explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) for medical decision-making.
  • Develop novel algorithms for explainable recommendations tailored to rehabilitation needs.
  • Designing explainable conversation flows and dialog scripts to ensure effective and user-friendly communication between the intelligent recommender systems and users.
  • Collaborate with inter- and trans-disciplinary teams (i.e., physicians, psychologists, patients) to implement an XAI interactive and multimodal interface.
  • Conduct user testing and evaluation to validate the effectiveness of the explainable interface and make continuous improvements.
  • Publish high-quality research in peer-reviewed journals and conferences.
  • The Ph.D. Student will be responsible for conducting independent research in XAI.

Your profile

  • A master's degree in computer science and experience in related fields.
  • Experience in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and recommender systems (RSs); familiarity with XAI and/or Natural Language Processing is a plus.
  • Strong programming skills and familiarity with modern AI, XAI frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, XAITK, OpenXAI, SHAP, LIME), and NLP tools (e.g., language models). Knowledge of XAI frameworks is a plus.
  • Ability to collaborate effectively with interdisciplinary teams, including health professionals.
  • Creative and able to communicate complex information.
  • Fluent in English. German fluency is a significant advantage.
  • Passion for innovative technologies in XAI and Smart Health.

Our offer to you

  • Access to state-of-the-art facilities and a supportive research environment.
  • Opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration and professional development.
  • A chance to make a tangible impact on the lives of individuals with SCI.
  • Participation in conferences, workshops, and seminars.
  • Possibilities for research visits abroad.
  • You can look forward to opportunities for personal development in research, consultancy, and teaching, as well as flexible working hours and location.
  • Your place of work is in Lucerne, close to the railway station and the lake.

The largest educational institution of the six Central Swiss cantons, the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts offers state-of-the-art jobs and programmes. We share knowledge in Switzerland and abroad, we are forward-looking, creative, and committed to interdisciplinarity. Help us to shape and become a part of our shared, sustainable future.

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