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Teaching Assistant Master’s Major In Art:ificial Studies, 30% in Zürich

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Teaching Assistant Master’s Major in Art:ificial Studies, 30%

Die Zürcher Hochschule der Künste ist eine der größten Kunsthochschulen in Europa. Hier erwartet dich ein kreatives Umfeld mit zahlreichen Möglichkeiten.


  • Unterstützung von Lehrenden bei der Vorbereitung von Unterricht.
  • Mitbetreuung von Studierendenprojekten und Ausstellungen.
  • Organisation von Exkursionen und allgemeinen administrativen Aufgaben.


  • Masterabschluss in den visuellen Künsten und praktische Erfahrung mit AI.
  • Initiative und Teamfähigkeit im Umgang mit Studierenden.
  • Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse.
With around 2,100 Bachelor and Master students, Zurich University of the Arts is one of the major and most diverse universities of the arts in Europe. The study and research programme covers the areas of art education, design, film, fine arts, music, dance, theatre and transdisciplinary studies. In the centre of Zurich, the ZHdK is a dynamic place where passionate people from over 75 countries work, study, teach, research and further their education. The university has numerous exhibition and performance venues, where students projects can be shown to the public.

The Department of Fine Arts Master’s Major in Art:ificial Studies, which focuses on the interface between art, AI technologies and society, is seeking to appoint a
Teaching Assistant Master’s Major in Art:ificial Studies, 30%
to start on 1 August 2025 or by agreement.

In this role, you will be responsible for the following tasks

  • Assisting with teaching and supporting lecturers in preparing lessons (research, conceptualisation, organisation)
  • Co-supervision of student projects
  • Administrative and organisational work and general tasks (such as organising and planning excursions and exhibitions)
We are looking for a person with independent artistic practice and practical experience with AI technologies/programming etc., who is interested in acquiring teaching skills at the beginning of their professional career.

Your profile

You have a Master's degree or equivalent qualification in the visual arts and have practical knowledge in the field of AI/digital media. We are looking for a person with initiative, a capacity for dialogue, integration and teamwork, curiosity and openness in their work with students and ZHdK staff. A place of residence in Switzerland (preferably Zurich) is required. Very good written and spoken German and English complete your profile.

What you can expect from us

We offer you an interesting collaboration with committed and challenging students, a well-established management team, an international network of artists and theorists as teachers, and an environment in which we promote a critical approach to exhibition practice. You can expect a progressive middle management model and a working environment that allows you to develop your own artistic or curatorial projects alongside your teaching assistant duties.

The position is limited to three years. The salary is based on the salary regulations of the Canton of Zurich.
The interviews will take place on 14 April 2025 and 8 May 2025 (second interview) on site.


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Zürich | Vollzeitstelle (mit Erfahrung) | Hauptschule

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