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Senior Teaching Assistant Extended Learning Needs in Zurich

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Senior Teaching Assistant Extended Learning Needs

Wir sind eine etablierte NGO mit tiefen lokalen Wurzeln. Hier erwartet dich ein inklusives Arbeitsumfeld!


  • Unterstütze Schüler individuell und in kleinen Gruppen beim Lernen.
  • Hilf Lehrern bei der Anpassung des Curriculums für die Schüler.
  • Fördere die sozialen und emotionalen Fähigkeiten der Schüler.


  • Erforderlich sind Erfahrung in inklusiver Bildung und Teamarbeit.
  • Fähigkeit zur Beobachtung und Berichterstattung über Lernfortschritte.
  • Kompetenz in der Entwicklung von Lehrmaterialien und -strategien.

We are a well-established NGO with a strong sense of tradition and deep local roots. With 250 employees, we offer a collaborative and inclusive environment where everyone feels they belong.

The Extended Learning Needs Teaching Assistant supports the delivery of the curriculum and supports students within ICS courses. The programme supported by the Senior Teaching Assistant focuses on functional academic skills, social skills, life skills, and vocational training with the goal of developing the highest level of achievement and independence possible for each student. Students in the intensive needs program may have diagnoses of Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, or other diagnoses that require intensive support.

Teaching and Learning

  • Work individually and in small groups with students, performing various instructional and management tasks.
  • Support content and classroom teachers with classroom management plans and philosophies.
  • Attend integrated classes and implement accommodations and modifications as needed.

Assessment and Reporting

  • Observe, record, and report on student learning and behavior.
  • Direct parent inquiries regarding students’ learning and behavior to the teacher of the Intensive Needs Program.

Curriculum development

  • Assist in grading assignments, creating adapted materials, and helping with classroom setup and cleanup as required.
  • Support teachers in adapting curriculum under the supervision of the Intensive Needs Curriculum Development Teacher.

Social and emotional aspects of learning as a teacher and tutor

  • Integrate students into the social fabric of the school community, ensuring their dignity and identity are respected.
  • Support students in developing social skills and independence, fostering their emotional and social growth.

Supporting the collaborative culture at ICS

  • Supervise students during non-instructional times (e.g., lunch, recess, transitions) and facilitate developmentally appropriate social skills.
  • Attend faculty meetings and participate in professional development as needed.
  • Contribute to extracurricular activities, including the field trip program, which may include a week-long overnight trip at the end of the academic year.

Why Join ICS?

  • Community: Be a part of a school with over six decades of commitment to a collaborative, mission-driven environment.
  • Professional Growth: Enjoy opportunities for personal and professional development in a leading IB World School.
  • Compensation: A competitive salary and benefits that reflect the significance of this role.
  • In beautiful Switzerland, known for its safety, quality of life, and rich cultural experiences.

We look forward to welcoming you to our team!

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