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Secondary Science Teacher in Zurich

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Secondary Science Teacher

Wir sind eine etablierte NGO mit Tradition und lokalen Wurzeln.


  • Lehre MYP und DP Science, fördere wissenschaftliche Neugier.
  • Implementiere effektive Strategien für das Klassenmanagement.
  • Nutze Technologie zur Verbesserung von Lernerfahrungen.


  • Erforderlich sind Erfahrung im Unterrichten und IB-Kenntnisse.
  • Starke Kommunikationsfähigkeit und Teamarbeit sind entscheidend.
  • Fähigkeit zur Unterstützung der sozialen und emotionalen Entwicklung.

We are a well-established NGO with a strong sense of tradition and deep local roots. With 250 employees, we offer a collaborative and inclusive environment where everyone feels they belong.

Teaching and Learning

  • Teach MYP Science and DP Science, nurturing scientific curiosity and critical thinking.
  • Implement effective classroom management strategies to support academic and social growth.
  • Use technology to enhance learning experiences and meet diverse student needs.
  • Design activities and labs that cater to a variety of learning styles.

Assessment and Reporting

  • Conduct formative and summative assessments to monitor student progress and provide timely feedback.
  • Participate in Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences and maintain proactive communication with parents.
  • Record and report student progress per school guidelines.

Curriculum Development

  • Plan and update units for MYP and DP Science to align with IB standards.
  • Collaborate with the Head of Department and IB Coordinators on curriculum alignment.
  • Contribute to interdisciplinary curriculum projects.
  • Supervise student Personal Projects and Extended Essays as required.

Social and Emotional Support

  • Support the social and emotional well-being of students as a teacher and tutor.
  • Lead the Personal Development Programme for assigned tutor groups.
  • Inform the Secondary Pastoral Leadership Team promptly about concerns related to student welfare, achievement, and behavior.
  • Participate in student recognition processes, including assemblies and award ceremonies.

Collaborative Culture

  • Actively engage in team and Secondary School meetings, contributing to a positive collaborative culture.
  • Adhere to deadlines and assist with class cover and exam administration as needed.
  • Participate in Extra-Curricular Activities, including the field trip programme, to enrich the student experience.

Why Join ICS?

  • Community: Be a part of a school with over six decades of commitment to a collaborative, mission-driven environment.
  • Professional Growth: Enjoy opportunities for personal and professional development in a leading IB World School.
  • Compensation: A competitive salary and benefits that reflect the significance of this role.
  • In beautiful Switzerland, known for its safety, quality of life, and rich cultural experiences.

We look forward to welcoming you to our team!

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