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PhD Student Position On Advanced Granulated Ceramic Powder Feedstocks in Dübendorf

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PhD student position on advanced granulated ceramic powder feedstocks

Die Empa ist eine führende Forschungsinstitution in der Materialwissenschaft. Hier wird eine spannende PhD-Stelle mit Fokus auf keramische Pulver entwickelt.


  • Formulierung geeigneter Schlicker für Sprühgranulationen.
  • Untersuchung der Auswirkungen organischer Additive auf den Granulationsprozess.
  • Veröffentlichung wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse in Fachzeitschriften.


  • MSc in Materialwissenschaften oder verwandten Disziplinen erforderlich.
  • Analytische Fähigkeiten für Material- und Datenanalyse.
  • Kreativer wissenschaftlicher Denkansatz ist notwendig.

Materials science and technology are our passion. With our cutting-edge research, Empa's around 1,100 employees make essential contributions to the well-being of society for a future worth living. Empa is a research institution of the ETH Domain.

PhD student position on advanced granulated ceramic powder feedstocks


Laboratory for High Performance Ceramics

is involved in the scientific research, development and characterization of advanced ceramics, composites and inorganic powder-based materials for structural and functional applications.
You will study and characterize the powder and formulation dependent granulation process to develop advanced ceramic powder feedstocks for the dry pressing of precision ceramic parts. The aim is to corroborate the interplay between the process-chemistry-powder parameters towards high-performance feedstock developments overcoming specific and recurrent issues in shaping operations of our industrial project partner. At the interplay between fundamental and applied research, the goal of the PhD project is to understand the how the organic additives chemistry and mixture plays in the process variability and sensitivity and investigate the underlying mechanisms towards a lean and sustainable manufacturing of precision ceramic parts. The project results will be directly evaluated in industrial settings, establishing a feedback loop between lab scale observations and statistical relevance in production environments.
Your responsibilities
  • Formulate slurries suitable for spray granulations
  • Study the effects of the organic additives, their chemistry and mixture on the granulation process parameters and granule performance for the shaping of ceramic precision parts
  • Study the role of the powder type, its size and morphology on the chemistry-process parameter map
  • Publish scientific findings in peer-reviewed high-impact journals and present them at international conferences
Your profile
  • MSc in Materials science, Chemical engineering or related disciplines
  • Solid background and interest in organic chemistry
  • Strong analytical skills for materials and data analysis
  • Creative scientific mindset
  • Full proficiency in written and oral English, French is an asset
  • Self-motivated, critical-thinking, open-minded and communicative, with a strong interest to work in an international and interdisciplinary research environment
  • Fulfilling admission requirements of the

    EDMX doctoral school



We live a culture of inclusion and respect. We welcome all people who are interested in innovative, sustainable and meaningful activities - that's what counts.

We look forward

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