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The Graduate School of Social Sciences (G3S) at the University of Basel provides the institutional framework for all graduate programs within the Department of Social Sciences. The working languages of the school are English and German. We are advertising three start-up scholarships (30'000 CHF/12 months each) for the next academic semester, beginning in October 2025. The start-up grants will be transferred to successful candidates in two installments of CHF 15'000 each; one in October 2025 and the second one in April 2026 after evaluation of the candidates' activities during the first six months.
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The scholarships are meant to support graduates in the early stages of their PhD, during which they will develop research proposals for submission to a funding body such as the Swiss National Science Foundation in order to acquire financial support for the remaining duration of their PhD-projects. The payment of the second installment of the scholarship depends on the submission of such a funding proposal.
Candidates should be highly motivated to carry out an independent research project in an interdisciplinary environment and show a vivid interest in current debates of the social sciences.
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The scholarships are directed at students holding a Master's degree in one of the fields of G3S (with a final degree of at least 5.0 according to the Swiss grading system). Doctoral students in the G3S should have a background in a discipline of the Department of Social Sciences (e.g. Anthropology, cultural anthropology, middle eastern studies, political science, sociology, gender studies, see also:
). They may likewise be trained in interdisciplinary fields also represented at
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