Studierende finden an der ETH Zürich ein Umfeld, das eigenständiges Denken fördert, Forschende ein Klima, das zu Spitzenleistungen inspiriert.
In the Laboratory for Functional Ferroic Materials we investigate materials where strong coupling between electrons leads to novel types of ordering processes of their spins and charges. Our scope is to study the fundamental physics of these materials with a focus on experimental basic research, yet including the perspective on the theoretical background and on technological relevance. Our experimental core technology is nonlinear optical spectroscopy with pulsed lasers. In addition we apply atomic force microscopy, standard magnetic and dielectric characterization methods, Monte-Carlo simulation, and pulsed-laser-deposition of oxide thin films.
The PhD project unites our internationally leading expertise in nonlinear laser spectroscopy and ferroic materials. Its aim is to explore novel manifestations of ferroic order, in particular altermagetism, with the use of class-IV laser systems. Altermagnetism is a new and largely unxplored concept for magnetic order with plenty of room for groundbreaking discoveries.
The goal of the project is to advance the concept of altermagnetism at large. Spatially resolved imaging and manipulation of altermagnetic domains in a variety of materials are central objectives. Candidates design and set up the workplace for their nonlinear-optical experiments. Lasers are not just a tool, but part of the setup where candidates have no reservations to carry out basic adjustments or maintenance. They will also learn to work with cryogenic environments. They are never afraid to tear everything down and try a new approach, should this become necessary. Despite the focus on laser-optical experiments, the involvement of other experimental techniques and in-depth discussion with theoretical groups are likely requirements.
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