Studierende finden an der ETH Zürich ein Umfeld, das eigenständiges Denken fördert, Forschende ein Klima, das zu Spitzenleistungen inspiriert.
The Neutrino Group at ETH Zurich invites applications for a Post-Doctoral Research Position. The successful candidate will make substantial contributions to the HyperKamiokande (HyperK) and FASER experiments. Our team is currently deeply engaged in neutrino physics analyses using state-of-the-art techniques such as artificial intelligence. We have a long-standing tradition of pioneering in research and development of detectors, with a focus on neutrino flavour oscillations and dark matter detection. Furthermore, our team is known for its successful management of large-scale particle physics experiments.
Hyper-Kamiokande (Hyper-K) is a next-generation neutrino observatory and physics experiment under construction in Japan. It's an advanced version of the Super-Kamiokande (Super-K), which has been operational since the 1990s. Hyper-Kamiokande is significantly larger than its predecessor. It consists of a massive tank filled with ultra-pure water. Hyper-Kamiokande aims to study neutrinos from various sources, including the sun, the Earth's atmosphere, and supernovae. It will also investigate neutrinos produced by particle accelerators. In addition to neutrino research, Hyper-Kamiokande may contribute to the search for proton decay, an important prediction of many grand unified theories in physics.
FASER (ForwArd Search ExpeRiment), a CERN-based experiment, is designed to search for new, light, and weakly-interacting particles beyond the standard model, as well as to explore the production and interaction of TeV neutrinos produced at the LHC. Situated downstream of the ATLAS experiment, FASER consists of an emulsion-tungsten neutrino detector known as FASERnu, followed by a spectrometer equipped with tracker and calorimeter stations, immersed in a magnetic field. FASER is set to continue data acquisition throughout the LHC Run-4.
The selected candidate is expected to significantly contribute to the physics analysis and operational aspects of the FASER experiment at CERN. In addition, they will have the opportunity to be involved in the HyperK experiment, primarily focusing on coordinating the upcoming activities at CERN related to the assembly and testing of the underwater vessel equipment. These roles necessitate a readiness for international travel and the flexibility to attend meetings outside of regular working hours, including online engagements.
We are seeking an outstanding and highly motivated physicist who is nearing completion of, or has recently obtained, a PhD in experimental particle physics. Candidates should exhibit the ability to work effectively in collaborative settings and show a strong willingness to participate in a wide range of research activities, including both hardware construction and physics analyses.
Interested applicants should submit a comprehensive application package, including
Please note that we exclusively accept applications submitted through our online application portal. Applications via email or postal services will not be considered.
Further information about our group can be found on our . Questions regarding the position should be directed to Prof. André Rubbia email (no applications).
For recruitment services the apply.
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