Studierende finden an der ETH Zürich ein Umfeld, das eigenständiges Denken fördert, Forschende ein Klima, das zu Spitzenleistungen inspiriert.
The Bioanalytics Group at the Department Biosystems Science and Engineering/ ETH Zurich in Basel develops a new generation of analytical instruments and methods for applications across the life sciences using microsystems technology.
Fast, efficient and sensitive: . We offer a PhD position for an engineer to contribute to our team efforts in realization of so-called microdroplet arrays, which are used for high throughput biotechnology, biochemical reactions and drug screening.The Phd thesis has an emphasis in the improvement of design, fabrication and surface modifications of microdroplet arrays.
High-throughput screening methods are required to produce, find, test and analyze new compounds and effective drugs. To address this challenge, we employ droplet microfluidics, which allows for creation of thousands of tiny reaction vessels at high frequency of up to several kHz. The resulting emulsion has an excellent monodispersity, with droplet volumes in the range of pico- to nanoliters. The technique is used in combination with optical methods such as fluorescence spectroscopy. In addition, we use mass spectrometry for more detailed analysis of the enclosed compounds or reaction products.
The combination of biological and technological aspects is central in our group. The realization of cutting-edge methods requires team work of researchers with different background. We are looking for a PhD candidate, who has strong disposition to address technological challenges, learn and improve methods and is very open to different research disciplines. Ideally, the start is in late spring (April 2024).
The PhD candidate will work closely together with other team members on a highly interdisciplinary topic. Central in the work is the fabrication of microstructured targets, which will be done in the Department`s clean room.
Other tasks:
We are looking for highly motivated candidates with:
Previous experiences in the field of microfluidics/lab-on-chip technology are helpful.
We offer you an intellectually challenging position in the inspiring atmosphere of an interdisciplinary team. The PhD candidates will start in our brand-new building in the centre of Basel, offering excellent infrastructure and working conditions. Further information about our group and the Department can be found on the websites and .
We look forward to receiving your online application with the following documents (latest January 31, 2024):
Please note that we exclusively accept applications submitted through our online application portal. Applications via email or postal services will not be considered.
Questions regarding the position should be directed to Prof. Petra S. Dittrich, email ( (no applications).
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