Studierende finden an der ETH Zürich ein Umfeld, das eigenständiges Denken fördert, Forschende ein Klima, das zu Spitzenleistungen inspiriert.
The is a research group in the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at ETH Zürich.
We are interested in a variety of hot topics in the area of systems and hardware security. The aim of the group is to improve the security of modern computer systems. To do that, we often build novel analysis techniques to uncover previously unknown attack surfaces and when appropriate we design and implement new systems to protect against various classes of attacks. This means that the group does heavy technical work, from building low-level systems to analyzing hardware components. Examples of our research topics include hardware design security, microarchitectural security, and operating system security to name a few.
We are looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to join our group. You will collaborate closely with the PhD students while establishing a new line of research in the group. You are further expected to contribute to the teaching and supervision activities of the group. The position is ideal for someone who wants to strengthen their CV with additional projects and gain leadership experience in preparation for a top faculty or industry position.
We aim to increase the number of women in systems security. Eligible candidates are therefore encouraged to apply.
You need to have already obtained or be close to obtaining your PhD degree in computer science or electrical engineering from a reputable university. On top of systems and/or hardware security, we also consider applicants who have instead worked on computer systems or hardware design topics during the course of their PhD and are interested in switching to security.
You have:
ETH Zurich is a family-friendly employer with excellent working conditions. You can look forward to an exciting working environment, cultural diversity and attractive offers and benefits.
We look forward to receiving your online application with the following documents:
Please note that we exclusively accept applications submitted through our online application portal. Applications via email or postal services will not be considered.
More information about our research group and existing papers can be found on .
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